Nintendo 3DS and Pokemon

    30 Oct 2013 » videogames

    I’ve been playing Pokemon Y last few days. I bought a used 3DS and the retail game.

    I have a few things I’d like to speak out about going back to console gaming and using a nintendo console.

    • Nintendo makes awesome hardware.
      Even though this 3DS I bought is used and it appears has been treated like they wanted to kill it, it still plays and works without a problem.

    • They have a lot of attention to detail in their software.
      Most of the apps that come with the console and the UI they use, is really enjoyable. The sad thing is that even with that I don’t have a lot of reasons to go back and play a lot of games or buy their other consoles.

    • The screens on the 3DS have low pixel count.
      I have to say that I feel spoiled by working with top of the line mobile phones. Having used the Samsung flagship phones and having my own android phone with basic 800x480 resolution, the 3DS screen feels so outdated that it hurts my HD-usedto-eyes.

    • Their IPs are still relevant.
      Pokemon made a huge impact on me when I was younger, and right now, playing this 6th gen version, it still feels like playing the first one. I don’t have all the free time that I had back in the day, but playing this game still feels magical.

      In the end I still consider myself as a PC gamer and even with such games as Pokemon, I think nintendo is on the edge of loosing relevance to the general public. With mobile games and platforms constantly growing in margins, I think it’s going to be more difficult for nintendo to stay relevant and continue showing us great products that people actually are willing to buy.


    Advances on FTM v004

    29 Oct 2013 » flextimemonitor

    I’ve been working a couple of days a week in FTM since I’m getting more use to the whole living on my own thing. I haven’t merged the source to the master branch since I’m still working on some of the forecasted features for this release.

    The display of the total hours done in the previous days is done, so is the new algorithm to calculate a days hours. States have been also implemented and are being used to change the previous days state.

    A friend of mine is helping me finding bugs, he hasn’t had the chance to use the Github tools to track the bugs, but since I see him often, I’m working on debugging most of the time.

    One of the next features I’m going to work on, for v005, is to have a “edit mode” so you can change time, date and delete events in one screen and that way it’s going to be easier to update the changes in the view, otherwise is going to be a pain to handle or even to edit each event, one by one.

    Maybe I’ll have a full release of v004 by the end of November. Valve time.


    Overtime in life

    06 Apr 2013 » random flextimemonitor

    I stayed up late today just to make FlexTimeMonitor build in ant.

    I’ve set it up now and it’s great to be able to avoid using Eclipse with my laptop, since it doesn’t have too much RAM.

    The bad thing is that it’s already 3am and I’ve got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow.

    Have a nice day guys! –Oscar


    Hola Mundo

    31 Mar 2013 » random

    This is my first post for my userpage in github

    I’m giving jekyll with bootstrap a try, although the instalation is easy, it proved to be a hazzle since I haven’t used ruby, jekyll or bootstrap before. With a couple of minutes and careful research, I’ve been able to get it up and working.

    This is the first time I sit down and write something about what I do and what are the projects I’m currently working on. It’s really interesting to do it and to learn from this experience. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what will I do next and never start actually doing something, so I’m hoping this site will keep me moving with my projects.

    Let’s talk about them:

    1. FlexTimeMonitor

      This is my first android project from scratch, (at least, the only one that I can talk about). I’ve chosen to do this app just for the sake of fun and because at the end of the month, it gets kinda annoying to wait for HR office to publish the reviewed times. I’ve just made a really basic interface so far, but I’m looking to update it thru april.


      I know, it’s kind of lame to mention the actual github page as a project, but hey, it’s one that will require time and effort to mantain updated! Not mentioning the problems that took me put it up online, I’m sure it’ll be something to follow up.

    3. Mexicali y sus alrededores

      Now, aside from all the coding and ranting about the world, I’m trying to take some pictures of my city from time to time. This is just for personal reasons and to stay off the programming side, you know, let it cool off.

    That’ll be it for this time.

    See you soon!

    – Oscar Cardoso
